July 07, 2011

152.365-156.365: color

 152.365 daily photo. A lovely dessert our neighbor brought to our BBQ on the 3rd.

 153.365 daily photo. I saw these cute plates at Target, they were only 99 cents each. I loved the sayings on these two.

 153.365 daily photo. What can change from your piggy bank buy? $10 in change (dimes and nickles) can get you these pool floats from Target for $8.99.

 155.365 daily photo. I love these series of carnival images hanging at my work's lobby. I worked on these, they are called Merrymaking I-IV by M. Drake.

156.365 daily photo. A handsome side profile if I do say so.


Kate Geesaman said...

I was considering taking the rice crispy treats out of the stained up pan onto a nice plate. I wish I would have now!

Brittney said...

I love those plates :) I may have to get some now!